Cycle per Second to Revolution per Second

Change to Revolution per Second to Cycle per Second

How to convert Cycle per Second to Revolution per Second

1 [Cycle per Second] = 1 [Revolution per Second]
[Revolution per Second] = [Cycle per Second] * 1
To convert Cycle per Second to Revolution per Second multiply Cycle per Second * 1.


95 Cycle per Second to Revolution per Second
95 [Cycle per Second] * 1 = 95 [RPS]

Conversion table

Cycle per Second Revolution per Second
0.01 Cycle per Second0.01 RPS
0.1 Cycle per Second0.1 RPS
1 Cycle per Second1 RPS
2 Cycle per Second2 RPS
3 Cycle per Second3 RPS
4 Cycle per Second4 RPS
5 Cycle per Second5 RPS
10 Cycle per Second10 RPS
15 Cycle per Second15 RPS
50 Cycle per Second50 RPS
100 Cycle per Second100 RPS
500 Cycle per Second500 RPS
1000 Cycle per Second1000 RPS

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