Pints (US) to Bushels (US)
Change to Bushels (US) to Pints (US)
How to convert Pints (US) to Bushels (US)
1 [Pints (US)] = 0.013427609489203 [Bushels (US)]
[Bushels (US)] = [Pints (US)] / 74.473419919168
To convert Pints (US) to Bushels (US) divide Pints (US) / 74.473419919168.
69 Pints (US) to Bushels (US)
69 [pt (US)] / 74.473419919168 = 0.92650505475498 [bu (US)]
Conversion table
Pints (US) | Bushels (US) |
0.01 pt (US) | 0.00013427609489203 bu (US) |
0.1 pt (US) | 0.0013427609489203 bu (US) |
1 pt (US) | 0.013427609489203 bu (US) |
2 pt (US) | 0.026855218978405 bu (US) |
3 pt (US) | 0.040282828467608 bu (US) |
4 pt (US) | 0.053710437956811 bu (US) |
5 pt (US) | 0.067138047446013 bu (US) |
10 pt (US) | 0.13427609489203 bu (US) |
15 pt (US) | 0.20141414233804 bu (US) |
50 pt (US) | 0.67138047446013 bu (US) |
100 pt (US) | 1.3427609489203 bu (US) |
500 pt (US) | 6.7138047446013 bu (US) |
1000 pt (US) | 13.427609489203 bu (US) |
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