Degree per Hour to Radian per Second

Change to Radian per Second to Degree per Hour

How to convert Degree per Hour to Radian per Second

1 [Degree per Hour] = 4.84813680567E-6 [Radian per Second]
[Radian per Second] = [Degree per Hour] / 206264.80647792
To convert Degree per Hour to Radian per Second divide Degree per Hour / 206264.80647792.


92 Degree per Hour to Radian per Second
92 [deg/h] / 206264.80647792 = 0.00044602858612164 [rad/s]

Conversion table

Degree per Hour Radian per Second
0.01 deg/h4.84813680567E-8 rad/s
0.1 deg/h4.84813680567E-7 rad/s
1 deg/h4.84813680567E-6 rad/s
2 deg/h9.69627361134E-6 rad/s
3 deg/h1.454441041701E-5 rad/s
4 deg/h1.939254722268E-5 rad/s
5 deg/h2.424068402835E-5 rad/s
10 deg/h4.84813680567E-5 rad/s
15 deg/h7.272205208505E-5 rad/s
50 deg/h0.0002424068402835 rad/s
100 deg/h0.000484813680567 rad/s
500 deg/h0.002424068402835 rad/s
1000 deg/h0.00484813680567 rad/s

Change to