Tablespoons (Metric) to Teaspoons (Metric)

Change to Teaspoons (Metric) to Tablespoons (Metric)

How to convert Tablespoons (Metric) to Teaspoons (Metric)

1 [Tablespoons (Metric)] = 3 [Teaspoons (Metric)]
[Teaspoons (Metric)] = [Tablespoons (Metric)] * 3
To convert Tablespoons (Metric) to Teaspoons (Metric) multiply Tablespoons (Metric) * 3.


67 Tablespoons (Metric) to Teaspoons (Metric)
67 [Tablespoons (Metric)] * 3 = 201 [Teaspoons (Metric)]

Conversion table

Tablespoons (Metric) Teaspoons (Metric)
0.01 Tablespoons (Metric)0.03 Teaspoons (Metric)
0.1 Tablespoons (Metric)0.3 Teaspoons (Metric)
1 Tablespoons (Metric)3 Teaspoons (Metric)
2 Tablespoons (Metric)6 Teaspoons (Metric)
3 Tablespoons (Metric)9 Teaspoons (Metric)
4 Tablespoons (Metric)12 Teaspoons (Metric)
5 Tablespoons (Metric)15 Teaspoons (Metric)
10 Tablespoons (Metric)30 Teaspoons (Metric)
15 Tablespoons (Metric)45 Teaspoons (Metric)
50 Tablespoons (Metric)150 Teaspoons (Metric)
100 Tablespoons (Metric)300 Teaspoons (Metric)
500 Tablespoons (Metric)1500 Teaspoons (Metric)
1000 Tablespoons (Metric)3000 Teaspoons (Metric)

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